Saturday 23 August 2014


Skin Whitening Forever

 The beautiful actress and a host of tv3 show "new day" sent a long piece of message across to her fans on her facebook page yesterday.Looks like she couldnt stand the level of criticism and mere hatred people showed her after doing her ice bucket challenge.

This is the message she posted on facebook yesterday;

 "It's been an interesting few days on the world of the internet for me. I never imagined that donating money and taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge would incite so much hate from internet trolls. I was challenged by a lady called Lea who lives in Canada-pictured- and it was drawn to my attention by Steph- who uploaded it on Instagram and tagged me (as you can see in the pic below).
I accepted the challenge in good faith for the Children's Heart Foundation Ghana (second picture). I think the Ice Bucket Challenge although started in aid of ALS is a great way to raise money for other charities as well. It's really about the donation for me. I mustered up the courage and did my challenge within 24 hours and posted it on Instagram (15 seconds max). About 30 minutes later, I posted the video on my Facebook page as well - I stated that I was did the ALS Ice Bucket challenge and will be donating to charity because of my participation. That's when the internet hate burst on my page in a way I have never witnessed before.
Things like--- No one nominated me and I just decided to get attention by nominating myself. Also, I should not have done the Ice Bucket Challenge because black people don't get it ALS (really- like the disease discriminates). So many insults that I will not even repeat. So many people seem to have missed the point. Interestingly there were some who claimed I am jumping on the bandwagon and yet by following thoses who were on my page to bash without knowing the full story; they themselves were jumping on the 'bashing' bandwagon. Ohh the irony. Some blogs even went on to write about my challenge in a very negative way- though I can't say that even shocked me.
I don't mind criticism, there is nothing wrong with it, after all constructive critique helps us and the word 'celebrity' means you will receive plenty of it but I do not tolerate negativity or hate from anyone. For example;- people say they did not see the ice in my video- I didn't use cubes, I used crushed ice instead. (So ooops arrest me... He hee).
It would be nice if instead of people coming on my page to spew hate, and tell me who I should donate to or how I should do it- that they did something themselves- for whatever causes or charities that is close to their hearts.
Some people are very hateful and will use any excuse to spread their hate.
Ohh well....

Be blessed y'all.


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