Thursday 29 January 2015

PICS;Deborah Vanessa Super Excited Because A Romanian Newspaper Featured Her!!!!!

Ghanaian musician and host of gliteratti shared the picture above with her fans via social media two days ago..The picture above is a newspaper in Romania called LiberTatea Lumea..This is the gist,Deborah Vanessa was featured in the newspaper in Romania which got her so excited. I can clearly tell she's excited because they compared her to Kim understand her perfectly well.Who will not want to rob shoulders with a star like Kim Kardashian.Here is what she wrote;

" I woke up in a Romanian newspaper #LiberTatea #Lumea in locker room in Cluj!!! It says that I'm one of the most loved Ghanaian artistes especially because of my songs and extremely hot pictures and that African media soon forgot about Kim K's nude pics after I posted mine to the delight of my fans".

Here's the naked picture;

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